Adsense code (2021-10-05)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Fotoxx for Linux: Create HDR photos using

Fotoxx is a program for improving digital photos. It allows you to navigate through large image directories using a window of thumbnail images, create HDR (high dynamic range) images by combining bright and dark images to improve details visible in both bright and dark areas, create panoramas by joining overlapped images, adjust brightness and color intensity independently for different underlying brightness levels, reduce fog or haze by removing "whiteness" and intensifying colors, rotate an image (level a tilted image or turn 90 degrees), remove red-eyes from electronic flash photos, sharpen, resize, or crop images, reduce noise in low-light photos, change color depth, and stretch an image by dragging the mouse.

It can be installed at Ubuntu Software Center.

Web site:

Fotoxx - HDR

Make an HDR (high dynamic range) image from 4 poorly aligned photos having an 8X brightness range. Adjust input image contributions. Adjust brightness distribution of output. Increase color depth. Enhance details with tone mapping.